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Webquest Proposal

I would really like to explore my concept of conformity being taught in the classroom. I believe that with the mass amount of standardized testing, students are being taught how to get the right answer and less emphasis is being placed on process and the importance of how to find the correct answers. My concept overlaps with a fellow classmate's: Innovation. For our webquest we have presented the idea of a sort of 'art charades'. In this project, students will randomly pick some type of thing listed on a piece of paper. For example, they may blindly choose a paper that has a word like 'elephant', 'dance', or 'happiness'. Their task is to convey whatever is on their piece of paper without actually drawing (for example) an elephant. They may conceptually create this thing through their materials. Example: for elephant, they may choose to use a large piece of posterboard, use rough, gray scrapbooking paper, etc.

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage students how to innovate and think creatively. How can they communicate with others without taking the easy way out. We want students to research their subject in order to acquire the most knowledge possible so they can succesfully create this image while (hopefully) still having fun.

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