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Future Scenario

It is a warm spring afternoon and I am finally straightening the studio up after my class has just left for the day. The walls are full of students’ artwork and a breeze blows through the area from the lifted clear garage door. I am teaching a workshop through the spring and summer months that welcomes students who are anywhere from 5 – 65. I find it important for family members to experience creating together as it is a way for them to express themselves, while also providing a way for them to build their relationships.

My classroom is a little on the messy side due to the amount of work that has been done inside of its walls. There are paint splatters on the cool cement floor, on the easels, and on some of the drawing tables. Where artwork is not covering the walls, windows are. I find natural light sources to be really inspiring and they create for a warm and welcoming environment. There are 3 skylights in the ceiling, and for days that are cloudy or gloomy, I have ceiling spotlight fixtures attached to wooden beams across the ceiling.

Maybe it is a little ‘old fashioned’, but in the year 2025 our lives are consumed by technology. My studio has basic technological essentials such as wireless internet, speakers, and some available computers, but besides that I try to limit the amount of technology in the studio. I want the studio to be a place where students can get away from the constant texts, tweets, alerts, and instant messages. This is a place where they find inspiration from the area around them. The studio is placed in the mountains, and just outside of the windows are a beautiful garden and a pond.

Towards the back of the studio is where students go to work on ceramics. There are a few spinning wheels, a wedging table, and another working table. The back of the room is also where storage cabinets and supplies are located. The left side of the room is where two sinks and more storage cabinets are located, along with the restrooms. Drawing tables and easels are placed in various spots around the room. Students have the ability to position these tools wherever in order to achieve the best lighting for that day. There is also an outdoor pavilion for those who would wish to do their painting, drawing, or pottery outside. They are encouraged to incorporate found items outside into their work.

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